Municipality of Thames Centre

Corporate Benchmarking Report (CBR)

The Municipality of Thames Centre’s corporate benchmarking initiative, in partnership with eMission Software Inc., is dedicated to implementing sustainable energy practices and reducing carbon emissions in this vibrant community in Ontario, Canada. This project aims to utilize innovative technologies and methodologies to create a corporate inventory and assess energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions, starting Thames Centre on the Partners for Climate Protection (PCP) program’s five-step Milestone Framework to take action on climate change.

Through comprehensive data analysis and tailored recommendations, the project seeks to empower the community to adopt energy-efficient practices across its corporate operations. By establishing benchmarks for energy consumption and emissions, the initiative will identify areas for improvement and develop customized solutions to achieve measurable results.

Corporate Sectors Included:

Buildings & Facilities        Streetlights & Traffic Signals        Fleet Vehicles

Water & Wastewater Infrastructure        Solid Waste Management Facilities



Data Collection

Software Data Entry

Energy & Emissions Analysis


Thames Centre Project Goals


  • Inventory 2023 energy consumption, costs, and greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions for corporate buildings, facilities, fleet vehicles, streetlights/traffic signals, and water and waste management
  • Analyze corporate GHG emissions and other energy Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)
  • Establish baseline models for all corporate assets outlined in the PCP Protocol


  • Use reports generated through eMission software to set energy, cost and emission reduction targets
  • Arm council and stakeholders with essential data to make informed decisions regarding future climate action steps


  • Advocate for energy efficiency in existing buildings, fleet operations, and other corporate operations
  • Promote energy resilience to mitigate risks and enhance energy security
  • Enable proactive energy efficiency improvements in community-owned assets, leading to reduced energy consumption and cost savings
  • Use project data for strategic capital planning
  • Monitor the impact of energy efficiency and emission reduction initiatives

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